SEED Project Gets Started

The Semantic Enrichment of ELN Data (SEED) Project is pleased to announce its official “start-up” in January 2020.


Following the recent presentation at the Pistoia Alliance conference in Boston by Steve Penn ( Pfizer), there is a high level of interest in the project and this has been confirmed by offers of funding that enable the project to get started.


Some of the problems that this project aims to solve are:

  • Volumes of unstructured eLN content are exponentially growing with the potential to extract knowledge
  • Most eLN content is free text, unstructured information and thus challenging to identify common concepts (Named Entity Recognition NER), to effectively search and for extraction of deeper Insights
  • Retrospective data analysis and searching of generally unstructured content is a huge challenge
  • Data Workflows to/from eLNs can be relatively restricted in approach.
  • Connectivity to Study Registration systems to enable Scientists to reuse such metadata through API to eLN are a must
  • Availability of persistent identifiers challenges the capability of making data to be digitally discoverable and hinders aggregation of data inter-applications


In January, a Project Team will be formed and the first activity will be to agree on a Project Charter, outlining the scope, timing, and deliverables of the project. It is likely that we will hold a face-to-face workshop in the Spring where the project team can focus their time on the deliverables.


Outputs of the proposed project will be 2 fold; guidance on specifics of connecting a semantic enriched eLN to the FAIR principles as well as open standards built to enable Semantic tools to seamlessly connect to all eLNs”


Contact us if you would like to join the SEED project or if you have questions by emailing: