HELM Peptide Monomer Guidelines released

The HELM team is pleased to announce the publication of monomer guidelines for peptides.


Monomers are the building blocks of bio-molecules and HELM adopters need to decide what monomers they want to use very early in their journey with HELM. Until now there has been guidance on nucleotide monomers, but limited information on peptides or CHEMs.


In additional to providing information to new users, information exchange and analysis is much easier if the principles behind these building blocks are consistent between groups. Working through the issues, a group of highly experienced practitioners from content providers, pharmaceutical companies and vendors have developed detailed recommendations.


The guidelines can be accessed on the notation page of our HELM wiki at:



or use this direct link to the Word file


We hope these prove useful to our rapidly expanding community.



For more information on HELM in general see www.OpenHELM.org.