Persistent Challenges in Cheminformatics

Cheminformatics event banner with photo of Burlington House
Persistent Challenges in Cheminformatics


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The Pistoia Alliance is hosting an in-person event at the Royal Society of Chemistry to address Persistent Challenges in Cheminformatics. Despite significant technological progress, key hurdles remain in data standardization, interoperability, and reusability particularly for complex molecules such as synthetically modified biologics and their conjugates (e.g. ADCs, biologics containing non-natural amino acids, and oligonucleotides), where frameworks such as HELM (Hierarchical Editing Language for Macromolecules) are essential.

This first meeting will bring together leaders from academia, the pharmaceutical industry, and technology sectors to explore:

  • Complexity of molecules
  • Database technologies
  • Interoperability
  • Scaling and handling large data sets

Additionally, a key focus of discussion will address how to take advantage of advances in AI, including machine learning and generative AI.
Participants will have the opportunity to network, exchange insights, and contribute to shaping future opportunities for cheminformatics.
Future topics for the Pistoia Alliance Cheminformatics Events could review:

  • Ultra-large chemical spaces and scaled-chemical searching (including database technologies, chemical cartridges etc.)
  • Capture of component meta-data for complex molecules
  • Cheminformatics and sustainability e.g. impurities, solvent usage, green chemistry
  • Data safety regulations (COSHH etc)
  • Cleaning reaction data (including organometallics e.g. catalysts)

Join us in advancing the field and overcoming these persistent challenges in cheminformatics.
Please note, places for this event are limited. Please fill in the form below to register your interest in attending.

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