IDMP Ontology Community of Interest Meeting


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Join us for another IDMP Ontology webinar where we discuss important achievements of our IDMP-O project such as industry IDMP-O survey key findings, updates on the EMA PMS Data Alignment Proof of Concept and the CMC Batch Tracking, Site, and Product Data Proof of Concept. These sessions are designed to improve data alignment and interoperability across the pharmaceutical industry.

  • IDMP-O Survey Report Discussion: Analysis of industry insights and feedback on IDMP-O – Dominik Gigli/ Raphael Sergent
  • EMA PMS Data Alignment Proof of Concept Update – Fabian Muttach / Raphael Sergent
  • CMC Batch Tracking, Site, and Product Data Proof of Concept Update
  • Phase 4 Plans (2025): Outline of future initiatives for the year 2025 – Aditya Tyagi