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We invite you to a talk by Dr. Dennis Wang, Lecturer and Group Leader in Genomic Medicine, Scientific Director of the Sheffield Bioinformatics Core, University of Sheffield, “Looking beyond the hype: Applied AI and machine learning in translational medicine”


Author abstract:
Big data problems are becoming more prevalent for laboratory scientists who look to make clinical impact. A large part of this is due to increased computing power, in parallel with new technologies for high quality data generation. Both new and old techniques of artificial intelligence (AI), and in particular, machine learning (ML) can now help increase the success of translational studies. However, ML technologies do not come without their limitations and shortcomings. Current technical limitations and other limitations including governance, reproducibility, and interpretation will limit the success of translational projects. I will discuss possible ways to enable ML methods to be more powerful for discovery and reduce ambiguity within translational medicine, allowing data-informed decision-making to deliver the next generation of diagnostics and therapeutics to patients quicker, at lowered costs, and at scale.


The talk by Dr. Dennis Wang will be followed by a panel discussion with Mr. Albert Wang, M. Eng., Head, IT Business Partner, Translational Research & Technologies, Bristol-Myers Squibb.


To register to attend, please visit https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4501759447841725964

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