Speakers Confirmed for Pistoia Alliance European Conference
The Pistoia Alliance, a global, not-for-profit alliance of life science organizations that work together to lower barriers to innovation in R&D, has announced the lineup of speakers for its 2016 European Conference.
Pistoia Alliance Announces Second Phase of Ontologies Mapping Project
The Pistoia Alliance Ontologies Mapping project, which creates guidelines, tools and services for ontologies mapping and management in Life Science Research and Development, has announced the start of its second phase.
Winners Announced for Pistoia Alliance President’s Startup Challenge 2015
Repositive Ltd. (UK) and Novaseek Research LLC (USA) are the winners of the inaugural 2015 edition of the Pistoia Alliance President’s Startup Challenge.
Agenda announced for our European Conference 2016 in London
We are pleased to announce the full agenda for our 2016 European Conference. If you’d like to attend, please register now! The one-day event for members and invited guests only has been planned around three panel discussions on current hot topics in life sciences R&D, and will include presentation of the winners of the President’s Startup Challenge 2015 and the live judging and audience choice voting for the Mini Startup Challenge 2016.
Pistoia Alliance Launches Mini-Startup Challenge
The Pistoia Alliance has launched a new startup competition, the Pistoia Alliance Mini Startup Challenge, which will look to encourage innovative start up companies in the life sciences field with technologies in mobile health and data, wearable technologies and the internet of things. Entries that address current global healthcare challenges are particularly encouraged.
Innovation in Action, January 2016
The January 2016 edition of the Pistoia Alliance newsletter, Innovation in Action, is available to download as a PDF document.
Pistoia Alliance Starts 2016 with Strong Membership Growth
The Pistoia Alliance welcomed a host of new members at the start of 2016, further enhancing its position as a global, not-for-profit alliance of life science organizations that work together to lower barriers to innovation in R&D.
RFI published: HELM Web-based Editor
The HELM (Hierarchical Editing Language for Macromolecules) 2.0 project has today published an RFI requesting estimates for the creation of a web-based editor.
HELM editor: free at last!
The Pistoia Alliance HELM project has made two major announcements that help cement the reputation of HELM as the de-facto standard for describing and working with complex macromolecular structures. Firstly, HELM users can now take advantage of free MarvinBeans 5.0 licenses for the HELM toolkit. Secondly, RDKit is now HELM-enabled, making it a valuable addition to the extensive range of open source HELM-enabled tools.
Pistoia Alliance Launches New Chemical Safety Library Project
The Pistoia Alliance has started work on the Chemical Safety Library, a project which will allow for the capture and sharing of previously inaccessible reaction incident information to enhance laboratory safety.
Innovation in Action, November 2015
The November 2015 edition of the Pistoia Alliance newsletter, Innovation in Action, is available to download as a PDF document.
ELIXIR and Pistoia Alliance to Collaborate on Map of Alliances
ELIXIR and the Pistoia Alliance will be collaborating as part of the Map of Alliances project, an industry initiative to better understand the landscape of the pre-competitive environment in life sciences.