Conducting a robust scientific knowledge review is a time-consuming endeavour, often stretching over weeks and requiring the concerted effort of multiple experts. The culmination of this process is a carefully triaged collection of articles, each requiring meticulous manual review to extract pertinent data. Consequently, this rigorous selection process tends to focus solely on articles with direct relevance, inadvertently overlooking a vast array of potentially insightful, albeit seemingly unrelated, literature. Such oversight may result in missing key pieces of information crucial for elucidating the signalling pathways and mechanisms of interest.
In response to these challenges, Biorelate has developed an innovative approach that leverages proprietary NLP technologies to automatically identify cause-and-effect relationships among key entities (such as drugs, genes, biological processes, and diseases). By synthesising and summarising directed pathways of cause-and-effect from millions of articles, Biorelate’s method offers a streamlined process for exploring the mechanisms of action. This not only drastically reduces the time required for such searches—from weeks to mere moments—but also provides instantly accessible summaries, complete with precise references. These summaries can be directly incorporated into scientific reports, bolstering ongoing research with robust, evidence-based insights.
Galactic AI™ is the powerhouse behind Biorelate’s suite of products and services, representing the pinnacle of data curation technology in the biopharmaceutical sector. This cloud-based supercomputing platform integrates state-of-the-art technologies, including Natural Language Processing (NLP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Large Language Models (LLMs), to deliver unparalleled data curation capabilities.Galactic AI™ revolutionises the way research questions are answered by illuminating the complex cause-and-effect relationships among genes, diseases, drugs, and various biological entities buried within the vast expanse of biomedical literature, alongside other more common research intelligence techniques. By leveraging the power of Galactic AI™, researchers can accelerate the pace of discovery and innovation in the biomedical field, leading to breakthroughs in understanding, preventing, and treating diseases.