Ever since John Kotter published Leading Change in the late 1990s, the business world has been striving to crack the code on making sure strategic transformation efforts succeed. Organizational Change Management–once an obscure concept–is now a universally valued discipline taught at top business schools around the world. Yet for many of us whose professions revolve around the implementation of technology and process change in complex organizations, the promised ROI of strategic transformation is rarely realized in the timeline or scale anticipated. Why is this? We argue that it is because in the midst of trying to make change more predictable, we have lost touch with the fact that humans are at the heart of it.
This webinar advocates for a departure from overly prescriptive or pure automation-driven change management approaches, with a preference for designing change strategies that are informed by robust assessment, adapted to organizational culture and responsive to feedback as it arrives. We’ll dive into real-world case studies from complex lab IT implementations, sharing strategies to navigate organizational transformations successfully, with a focus on the critical human element.
Don’t miss this opportunity to empower your team and drive positive change in your lab.
Register here.